Thursday, April 23, 2015

Is criticizing judging? hmmm

Judging, lets see, do we really have the right to judge others, when you do not even know them. after all God says in his word that we are not to judge. So why are so many doing this?  its ridiculous, we do not really know the person or people, we do not know their souls or what they are thinking or feeling.  In some cases it might be different, but in all, God does the judging, he will do that, He knows what we all think and feel, whether some want to believe that there is a God or not.  Criticizing, i wonder is that  another way of judging someone, again we do not know the person, as well we might think, even family,surprising,.  There are a lot of case by case stuff that might differ, maybe. just my opinion, but i think i would rather leave all that up to God anyway, so many of us and yes me included when we look at someone do we judge and criticize, just by what they wear, or look like?  How do we know when someone is telling the truth or not? We do not know what they are thinking. So how do we really know?  Many people if you really get to know them, they seem to be much different, dont they?  There is so much evil and bad stuff going on out there, it can be hard can it?   Well for me i wont judge or criticize, but then we are all human too.  We all make mistakes, so if we do, then judging someone with out true facts, is wrong, wgich criticizing falls in that same category too.
 After all no one has the right to kill or hurt another human being, or animal .  Everyone will be held accountable, for what things they do, whether they know it or not.  God is the only one who knows and writes down in his book everything we have ever thought and done.  He appointed Government to keep order in this time and age, they try to do their best, in judging who really did what, always according to facts.  Even they make mistakes from time to time. But all humans are not perfect. People who who want to get revenge, and throw blood on people because someone wears fur or tests on animals, we should not judge, if you do not like that stuff, then keep it out of your life, i dont like animals being tested or someone wearing fur, but that is not my business. God will take care of the evil and bad people, we just try to do what we can, that is good. Whatever you do, do all to the Lord Jesus Christ. Think about what that says!
 I sure do, and i am helping elderly dogs and cats and the unwanted ones, to the Glory of God. I am trying to do what i can, what about you? instead of judging, or criticizing, lets do good that will really Glorify God, instead of hurting.  What do you think?
ollie so cute

blackie a beautiful elderly girl

solemn senior, brownie

brownie and blackie in sepia tone

Brownie and blackie

Ollie and his playmate Jazzi

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