Saturday, January 9, 2016

Happy New Year? hmmm

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1  YEAHHHHHHH,WHOOPIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now what is all the big whoopla about the new year?   Some make resolutions to hopefully do better?  and much more?      First of all the resolutions many make ,because lets face it, we feel we have to for some odd reason, Is it to please others? or are we really into it?   Seems like a very interesting way of thinking.  my opinion of course.      

  Resolutions about losing weight, maybe not getting so angry and frustrated all the time, taking your feelings out on others, or hopefully not losing anyone else you love whether they be human or pet.
Many do more exercise, go on that hike you have been putting off for a long time. See the beauty of nature, look up instead of looking down.  I find looking up you see much more, then when your looking down, that also includes in the city too. you never know what you will find, what beauty awaits you. To take in that vast difference that we do not see in our drone every day living, called working. Maybe one of the resolutions is working less, stop all the stressing that goes on, and really there is a lot to stress out about, if you let it. Our hearts can take so much of it anyway, why wait when we get to be senior to enjoy life, why not right now, today!!!!!!!!!!!!!, We do not know what the future has, or holds for us, Letd enjoy today, the simple little things, that we so miss, when we are acting like drones or robots to our bosses,  Lets face it isnt that true, We say we need to pay our bills, so why not make a resolution to have less bills, and live simpler?  

 Oh yes, those pesty resolutions, that never seem to quite make it. Sometimes some people do, many just forget, as usual the usual grind gets to all of us.  Thats why some just flip out and go crazy, non of us can hold it in forever, it has to come out one way or another, it will get you. so instead of letting
all that craziness get to you, just chill out and breathe deeply and see the creation God made us to enjoy and care for.  We need to learn how to say NO, to those who love to drain us, even if they dont know it.
     My resolution is simple and to the point, choose to not let anything bother me, just chill out, forget the past, drink herbal calming tea. and read a book, or draw, etc.   HOW ABOUT YOU, WHAT DO YOU WANT REALLY!!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT TO GET RID OF IN YOUR EVERYDAY LIFE, ART?  READING A GOOD BOOK?  CRAFTING A BLANKET?  ETC MAYBE JUST CHILL OUT ON THE SOFA, WITH A GOOD CUP OF TEA, THE HERBAL KIND THAT IS, ITS CAFFEINE FREE!

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