Monday, July 31, 2017

Forgetting the Past?

Ever heard the phrase forget the past, and its woes?
Well, there is a second side to that coin. the phrase there are 2 sides to a coin? well yes there is, have you ever looked at a coin? well, credit cards, they also have 2 sides also.   

  Let's see what i am driving at, is that so many say just forget the past, it has gone, doesn't exist anymore, and yes that is correct, buttt, their is another story on the other side, lets turn that over, and examine it.  
1. forget bad experiences that happened,
2 forget the mistakes, they exist no more, REALLY?
3 history is history, RIGHT?

 Well, to be quite blunt, you cannot really forget the past, the experiences and mistakes made. 

1  The experiences are lessons we have learned, and should not forget what we learned.
2  What about our mistakes, well, they also help us to change into better people, right? maybe for some.
3  History is a valued part of who we all are, and came from. If you choose to forget it, and not want to learn what happened, how can one do better, and change things to make things better.
  History has a nasty way, of biting us back in return, by repeating itself, over and over, take a look at fashion, politics, and so much more, has society really changed? no, it seems to be getting worse and crime is everywhere, evil, abuse, take a good look around you at everything, what do you see?  I see people who have never changed, maybe we have better cars and toys, but that has not changed. what about the animals, they are suffering all over, and many humans too. So has anyone learned anything?
Really?  Tell me, why so many want to get rid of history, Why?  what can we learn from it, that humans are despicably terrible?   So evil that they want to their heads from what has happened, to what will happen, if we don't stop and think, learn from it, and then move on. Histroy through out time has been repeating itself, Like one saying, There is nothing new under the sun.  Nothing really new, old stuff, putting new hats on , is all, What about the future, will it repeat what history has already done?
 there is no more hope for this earth age, except for those who love God and try to do what he says, and to know that we have to get into his word, for ourselves, stop believing what others say, and search and seek out what is truth. Yes, what it is truth anyway right?  there is truth out there, but, all covered up by rivers of lies and untruth.  This age will end one day, what side of the river will you find yourself on?  Will History repeat itself, yes it will. We all need to LOOK ,LISTEN,  REPENT, for the end will come. I know what side i will be on, how about YOU?  Read God's word and find out what i have found out.

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