i have seen that its so hard to find real truth on the internet, so many webinars and websites that say they will help with small business and other assorted stuff, and health issues are so popular,that their are harmful stuff out there to actually hurt people and animals too. there are truthful stuff out there, but there are so many flooding of lies and scams, how does one sort through all that stuff. scammers are out there in many forms, health, business helps, animal health, Spiritual help, etc. What is one to do?
The truth about whatever you want to research is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
One has to be very careful where they spend their hard earned dollars, it would be nice if it grew on trees, dont yo? But it doesnt, so what to do what to do?
It is enough to get one discouraged and give up, this world is so twisted and odd. It is better to be different from them, they dont have any answers. But i guess if one is willingly wanting to really dig for the truth they are seeking, we will eventually find it.we cant give up,i guess.
what are your thoughts? if we want something to quick we wind up burned. Patience is a virtue, which i dont seem to see much of these days, that is why scammers get people easily, because they promise quick results, but sometimes its hard to wait too. We just have to stop and take things in to account, do we want things quick and get scammed? or do we wait and research and take our time, then we will find the truth. I see so many silly ads on tv and internet, they are all a bunch of scammers fools who want to take the rest of us down with them, I refuse to go their ways, how about you, it is really true the narrow way is hard, but more rewarding, the wide way or highway is easy and free, but leads to disappointment and destruction. So what do we do?
Me i will take the road upward, Gods way, even if i travel alone, But God has promised He is alway with me, so i am not totally alone.
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