Is there any real hope anymore? Look around you, and see, really see, open your eyes to what is going on around you, people need to stop hiding their heads in the sand, stop arguing and fighting, bickering among yourselves. All the trouble going on, in europe, middle east, now here in the usa. this country opened up to all this. Terrorism in so many places, abuse, and hurt to animals, women, kids, most humans. As it was in the days of noah, so it will be in the end times. Which we really are now, evil running rampant, murderers getting away with stuff, It also says there will be wars, and rumors of war, that has already happened, earthquakes in places where they have not been before, nature reacting in ways it never did before. God gave humans the will to choose, what they want, he cannot interfere with free will. He can however, help those who want him in their lives, and ask him to guide and interfere, because its their choice. Its my choice, Is there real hope apart from him? no, i dont think so. My hope and faith is in him, and him alone. this world is so shaky, and so much to be afraid of, its like trusting your house to stand in quicksand and it will stand, no it will fall and sink. As being built on a foundation that is unshakable, the house will stand. Well i know what my house is built on. A foundation that is strong, and will support no matter what happens.
It is not safe to go anywhere anymore , because of gunslingers, terrorism, where ever there is lots of people gathering together, whether it be in a club, festivals, special events, parties, or even a church. there always seems to be humans who are so miserable, they want to make others the same.
You know what? it also shows us, no matter what we do, to try to control things, whether its personal stuff, business, whatever it is, we actually have no control at all, some humans like scientists think they have things in control, but they don't, only God does, i know he is still on the throne, and in charge.
To conclude my lengthy blog or article whatever you may say it is, Stop what you are doing at times, and help someone it includes animals too, because you want to, and nothing else. Think, pause, look around you, and see what God has done, not what the media says either, they are all biased. Serving their own agendas, whether it be for money, ratings, whatever, they are no longer honest about their reports, about anything. Again they serve their own agendas. They dont care about what happens to the victims, You also know what? Think about what God feels, as sees all the stuff happening, that he said would happen. I don't understand why everything happens the way it does, but i know God has me, does he have you?
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