Friday, November 3, 2017

How did brownie wind up at Maw & Paws Ark Inc?
Always a story behind every dog i take in, i start out with much compassion for the most unwanted senior dogs and cats.

   Well, Brownies story goes like this,  Before he came here, he lived with owners in Arkansas, he didnt really have a very happy life, sadwith them, but then his owners were killed, and he was a witness to that, imagine seeing someone you love killed in front of you, surprisehe also had other siblings that were much younger. They were easily placed into other homes. 
 But, poor Brownie and his sister Blackie were left out, because they were "too old" they were 9 years old at the time, this was about 2 1/2 yrs ago. to their surprisecryingthey were sent to a killing shelter, because no one wanted them, they were up for humans to kill them, just because they were so called old, Isnt that a terrible shame?  well, along came me, and heard about them needing out of that shelter ASAP. I saw their story on facebook, and it tore at me, i had to do something, so i asked and said i would take them, if no one else wanted them, there was a catch, they had to be taken together,  i said of course i want them both. I got, what they wanted and needed. A home for the both of them to live out the rest of lives at. Well, i was told another rescue was going to take them, so i said ok. 
   Guess What?  The Lord answered my prayer, and the transporter said the rescue couldnt guarantee to take both of them together. So she called me up, and said, Did I want Brownie and Blackie still?  I said yes. She told me the fall through with the other rescue. So Brownie and his sister came all the way here to north carolina to be with me and the other seniors here at Maw & Paws Ark Inc. Where Compassion is #1.
I seem to have this gift for animals, they and me develop a bond, that is unbreakable, except by death.  Brownie and his sister took to me instantly ,as of course i did also to them. Yes, i do feel very deeply for the unwanted ones, thats just the way God has made me to be. To care for his least of these.
Well, to get back to Brownie, He was so cute, and bouncy, loved to use his bed as a trampoline, boing boing, he loved climbing, running around, going for walks, showinf affection to his sister. they went on walks together, they pretty much did a lot together. Brownie loved barking at the outside cats, going after their food, he was so full of life, energy, spark, enthusiasm, always a go getter. His personalty was so loveable. But, i think that way about all dogs and cats too.
I loved the wy he would stick his tongue out and look at me, as to say, What? then he would make his tongue go back in his mouth, he loved licking my face and hand, and looking at me with those beautiful eyes of his, yes he was an unwanted one by every one else, but to me, he still much life more to live.
  Then starting in october 27th, Strokes started happening, i called the vet about what to do, he said there is really nothing that can be done, so i gave brownie some tumeric pills especially for dogs, and it helped to keep any pain away, even a stroke couldnt keep him down, he still had that spark and alertness in his face, he had another stroke tuesday morning around 2:00am, it left him parallyzed.
this is where most of you came in on the story, I asked for help as to what to do some said to just wait and he could come out of it on his own, others told me about the passive massage and exercise for dogs that are parrallyzed.  So i watched videos on how to do it on Utube.  and i did what they said, and guess what he started walking again, he was limping a little, but like they said, he could have come to a full recovery, if he didnt have another stroke wed Morning that killed him, i was so hopeful for him, but when i found him in his bed dead around 8:00am  Wed. I was filled with shock and horror, i didnt know what to do, i posted posts on facebook on Maw&Paws arks page. I saw there were so many people that also had dogs that had strokes, and died also.  Many prayed, and sending comforting words and thought my direction. I missed him terribly, but then I am that way about the dogs i some how have a deep bond with. Some people cnnot comprhend the concept, of type of bond with a pet, or an unwanted one, which Brownie started out to be, but came here, and was no longer unwanted. He felt love and care, he never really had in his whole life. I had him only 2 1/2 yrs, but it felt like a lifetime. When i love, i love unconditionally, and all the way, until they are ready to go to their heavenly home. Dogs love unconditionally as well, and many wind up disappointed, i feel so for them, not many people have this gift of compassion as i have. Something many have told me that i have it, i will go to great lengths to care for them, even go into debt, if no donations come.  
This sanctuary is a 501c3, non-profit, we have donation buttons for people to give and other goodies. But no one responds,  Why?  I love it when some try to help, but it needs more, then just 2 or 3 people to help.  As you read Brownies story and look at his pics, maybe, you could help us with donations, so needed, to care for these unwanted ones, with sad stories, that wind up what i call, Happy Tails.

Monday, July 31, 2017

Forgetting the Past?

Ever heard the phrase forget the past, and its woes?
Well, there is a second side to that coin. the phrase there are 2 sides to a coin? well yes there is, have you ever looked at a coin? well, credit cards, they also have 2 sides also.   

  Let's see what i am driving at, is that so many say just forget the past, it has gone, doesn't exist anymore, and yes that is correct, buttt, their is another story on the other side, lets turn that over, and examine it.  
1. forget bad experiences that happened,
2 forget the mistakes, they exist no more, REALLY?
3 history is history, RIGHT?

 Well, to be quite blunt, you cannot really forget the past, the experiences and mistakes made. 

1  The experiences are lessons we have learned, and should not forget what we learned.
2  What about our mistakes, well, they also help us to change into better people, right? maybe for some.
3  History is a valued part of who we all are, and came from. If you choose to forget it, and not want to learn what happened, how can one do better, and change things to make things better.
  History has a nasty way, of biting us back in return, by repeating itself, over and over, take a look at fashion, politics, and so much more, has society really changed? no, it seems to be getting worse and crime is everywhere, evil, abuse, take a good look around you at everything, what do you see?  I see people who have never changed, maybe we have better cars and toys, but that has not changed. what about the animals, they are suffering all over, and many humans too. So has anyone learned anything?
Really?  Tell me, why so many want to get rid of history, Why?  what can we learn from it, that humans are despicably terrible?   So evil that they want to their heads from what has happened, to what will happen, if we don't stop and think, learn from it, and then move on. Histroy through out time has been repeating itself, Like one saying, There is nothing new under the sun.  Nothing really new, old stuff, putting new hats on , is all, What about the future, will it repeat what history has already done?
 there is no more hope for this earth age, except for those who love God and try to do what he says, and to know that we have to get into his word, for ourselves, stop believing what others say, and search and seek out what is truth. Yes, what it is truth anyway right?  there is truth out there, but, all covered up by rivers of lies and untruth.  This age will end one day, what side of the river will you find yourself on?  Will History repeat itself, yes it will. We all need to LOOK ,LISTEN,  REPENT, for the end will come. I know what side i will be on, how about YOU?  Read God's word and find out what i have found out.

Thursday, June 29, 2017


Yup, this is my topic for this blog, Why?  because i have had to go through it a few times, going through it right now even.  I have heard there are many others going through it too.  We are all in good company. Its a real hassle, isn't it?  The dizziness, the out of balance, you feel,  For those who dont know what Vertigo is.  The actual definition according to my dr. is when a little virus bug decides to invade your inner ear, and make your body go all whacky. or out of balance, like faintness,dizziness, like the room is spinning, below blood pressure, blood sugar drops below normal, all sorts of things. The dr says there is no cure or medication that will make it go away. their is a medication that will help take the dizziness away, but it also makes you very drowsy. I cant take that stuff any more, it makes my blood pressure fall below normal. So like the dr said one has to just ride through this, until the body regroups itself, some people it only lasts a few says, some a few months, me lasts for at least 2 weeks. Just goes to show, you never know what will happen from day to day.
 All and all we just have to go at it slow, and not push ourselves into a frenzy, something i have been learning for my self, not pushing myself into a health problem. Hoa about you? Pushing yourself to help others see your just as good as them?  We are just as good as anyone else, some of us just have to go at it in life in the slow lane, besides in the story of the turtle and the hare, the turtle was the winner, in the end, the hare lost the race.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

There Comes a Time

Ever have that sinking feeling, that enough is enough?  well, i am one of those who has. You go through your life, thinking all is ok, right?  well, sometimes it isn't, and we have to admit at one time or another, called evaluating your life of what has happened, and what is ahead.  Every little thing that seems to not be going our way, we think its the end of the world, but its not really.
  Its just we feel exhausted, drained, burnt out, what ever you want to call it.  Do you know what i mean?  Thats where vacations come in right? and the vacation is so nice and beautiful.  You want it last a long time, but you think i have to go back to the real world.
  Well, the real world? in other words reality?  We all have our own world we call reality, so everyone is different.  So why does society push us all into one clump, to either fit in or we are not facing reality.

 You know what, i dont care about society and the worlds ideas of what is what.   I am different, and have always been, how about you?   what do we have to be ashamed of?   Different is good, if all of us were created to be exactly the same, this would be a boring place, we would be robots. and who wants that?  i sure don't.  
  There comes a time in  life ,when you just get too tired of doing things, a certain way, and just decide its time to chill out, take a deep breath, and start over again the next day. When your younger everything has to be just so, be organized, clean etc.  as one gets older, all that stuff doesn't matter any more. Yet keep plugging along in your own pace, it is much better that way. Slow and easy, one day at a time. It should be that way always, why do we push ourselves to the brink of death, just to please other people who just don't care!  why get drained, burned out, going crazy to make ourselves into something we don't like, or want to be, making ourselves unhappy, in the process. Ruining our health's, and for what? i feel we all need to break away from society and others think, and just do what we like and makes us happy, unfortunately we have to pay bills too, but how do we know when too much is too much?   that is my opinion, what is yours, we need to be more appreciative of what God has made us, and accept ourselves for who we are.  Some days are harder then others, it seems to me, but we still get up everyday and just keep going, along this journey of life here on this earth. Lets just go in the strength of the Lord. I have gone through so much in my life, and i am not the same person as i was even 4 years ago. I am 61 too, still healthy physically, i do have thankfulness in my heart, but sometimes one needs to vent, you know what i mean?  how about you?

Sunday, May 28, 2017


   What is a need?  What is a want?  definitely 2 different things here.
Lets look at them more closely shall we?  Ok lets see, how about Needs? that is so simple and very basic, Shelter, Food , and Clothing. I'm sure we could get some people arguing that point, but when all is said and done, these are the categories for needs.
 Ok, lets go a little deeper shall we, in the older days of your, these were the very basics ,but many many didn't get to have or afford even these basics. These days the the basic needs have been upgraded so to speak. Now its cell phones, computers, internet, health insurance and the list goes on.
  But do we really need some of these so called needs?   There was a day when people never heard of half of these things, they wanted to talk to someone they went next door, or went to social functions in their towns.  wrote letters that went into the mail.  these days no one writes anymore, or even knows how to spell, they now text.
  Ok now the WANTS:  well it would be stuff above and beyond needs.  I want a silk sweater, i want a smartphone, i want the latest in fashion styles, and that list goes on too.

Today the young people do not know that difference, i had to explain to my stepson, the difference between needs and wants, He desired so much for a new cool pants that everyone else was wearing, he said i so Need it, i told him that is a want not a need, a need is he needed a new pair, the want was he wanted what everyone else had.

  why is it everyone wants what others have? Makes no sense to me, again that is a desire or want, not a need.
 What it boils down to ,what can we really do without?  Look through the bills, what can we really really do without?       I looked through mine and could see what i really needed and what i could do without, i could do without tv, car. i could depend on public transportation, which is much cheaper then owning a car, because with a car, there is the car payment, the insurance, gas, taxes and title for car, wow just that raises the bills high.  :(.
   All i needed according to the basics is electricity, which comes under shelter, property taxes, and internet, is really all i need, but the other bills pay for wants they we wanted through our credit cards, yup the credit card, pays for the wants, and then we have another bill we have to pay every month, if we didn't get crazy with spending with our credit cards we would have no bills.  Oh, well our wants help us do things we other wise would not do. Like i said our basics can be limiting ,can it?
 Just my opinion and observation,  Next time we say we have a need, lets evaluate, is it really a need or a want. Nothing wrong with wanting stuff, i am so wanting a donut right now, is this a want or a need? Catch you guys LATER I'm off to the store.   :)

Friday, May 12, 2017

Mind and Body Argues

Ever have that sinking feeling, that your mind and body want different things?
Yup, happens to me a lot, how about you?
Sometimes it goes like this,
Body: i'm tired, i don't want to do anything today
Mind: we have to get something done, gotta keep going
body: but i ache, and feel in pain
Mind: we have to , everything is at stake here
Be positive
Body: Ok, Im positive, that i cant go on
Mind: (screaming and yelling now)   Come on! Let's go
Body: Ok, after i have this muffin
Mind: grrrrrrrrrrr, ok we i will give in this time
Body: After all i am your vehicle you travel in
Mind: dont remind me :(

  One of many different scenarios, that can happen along the way of life's travels here on this earth.
then there is  at times
Body: Im ready to fly
Mind: are you crazy?  i'm afraid of heights, and you would be crushed
Body: that was figurative, silly
Mind :  OH!  very Funny
Body: So i am ready to do stuff, all eager to move and be positive
Mind:  Ok, slow down, I'm positive too, lets go
Body: Let me have a cup of coffee first
Mind:  Ok,

 So what about you?  what is your mind and body saying, today? are they in sync or duking it out, with each other, One wants to be positive and the other negative,  sometimes the mind can be negative and depressed and so the body feels that too.  Just cant win sometimes, can we, always something isn't it?

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Why Do Wolves Howl

Here is a new art piece i recently did about the wolves howling, was inspired to do this. the artwork and the written words that go with it, i recently saw a wolf movie about cartoon wolves howling, like they were singing, who knows maybe they singing in their own way. God created them for a purpose,

So here is the piece called: Why do Wolves Howl

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Like a Firefly

I sometimes like to write as well as do artwork. It actually started back in 2015.  I wanted to do photography, and turn it into art. this all happened after my husband passed away in 2012.  then when i was still broken up about my husband's sudden passing away of a massive heart attack.
  I became interested in doing artwork in february of 2016. Doing images and designing beautiful thought provoking artwork through a place called Blingees, where i met other artists, and seeing their work. I loved doing it, and then i felt inspired to write little excerpts to go with them, depending on how i felt, i did my artwork according to the flood of emotions that were surging through me, and to my amazement, others were touched by what i was doing. they told me it looked like i had a gift for touching others through my artwork and writing.  Though i only write when i am inspired to do so. Which is not too often.
   I have heard that writers write what they feel and what they know.  I guess that is what i do. 
   When i feel so deep, many people just don't get it, or just don't listen, because it goes over their head. Many think superficial, which means,  a shallow way of thinking, and then there's the level 2, for people who go a little deeper than the shallow part, but there are others who go all the way deep deep, who are called the deep thinkers, the ones who think a lot, i guess i am in that category. Let me tell you its hard to have friends too.   
  The deep thinkers and feelers, have a way of touching the soul, of others, no matter who they are.  There is so much in this world, pain, sadness,, even happiness if you can find it these days.  Most people want to stay away from pain ,sadness.  So they prefer to be the shallow thinkers, i don't blame them, but we can't get away and turn our heads away from those who hurt, and need help, strengthening, encouragement, an ear to talk to.  When someone hurts, they do go deep, and need someone who has been there, who also is deep too.  that is where my art and writing comes in. I have heard from many that they were glad i wrote about it, or did artwork that showed the emotions.  All i am really doing is expressing what i feel or know about what i feel or see.
    Here is an example of one:  Called 
     I Feel like a Firefly

Monday, January 9, 2017

Time Continuum

What is time? 

what does it do?  what is it really
Something continuous, without space
without end, without face
Waiting for no one,
Always in a hurry
from sunup to sun down
always in a scurry
What are we in this place called time?

Some call it a fabric in time, could we really go back?
Time has no change, what is it we lack?
Why do so many say
there is no time?
When clearly there is,
Is it just an excuse, to not lend a hand
when someone calls out for helping hand.

We should always give a stranger
the benefit of the doubt, you never know
An angel you will encounter in the end.

So many scammers, how is one to know?
In this fabric of time that is now.

I think we can know
if we offer a helping hand, we could be blessed
to know someone, we never knew, would be an angel
Its hard to trust, i know, but what do we have to lose
but a little of our time. it could be time well spent.

More satisfying, then money, 
Time when you look around is plenty to go around.

So stop and give a helping hand
you never know who you might be helping.

Food for thought

Monday, June 13, 2016

Is There any Real Hope Anymore?

Is there any real hope anymore?  Look around you, and see, really see, open your eyes  to what is going on around you, people need to stop hiding their heads in the sand, stop arguing and fighting, bickering among yourselves.  All the trouble going on, in europe, middle east, now here in the usa. this country opened up to all this. Terrorism in so many places, abuse, and hurt to animals, women, kids, most humans. As it was in the days of noah, so it will be in the end times. Which we really are now, evil running rampant, murderers getting away with stuff,  It also says there will be wars, and rumors of war, that has already happened, earthquakes in places where they have not been before, nature reacting in ways it never did before. God gave humans the will to choose, what they want, he cannot interfere with free will. He can however, help those who want him in their lives, and ask him to guide and interfere, because its their choice.  Its my choice, Is there real hope apart from him? no, i dont think so. My hope and faith is in him, and him alone. this world is so shaky, and so much to be afraid of, its like trusting your house to stand in quicksand and it will stand, no it will fall and sink. As being built on a foundation that is unshakable, the house will stand. Well i know what my house is built on. A foundation that is strong, and will support no matter what happens.  

    It is not safe to go anywhere anymore , because of gunslingers, terrorism,  where ever there is lots of people gathering together, whether it be in a club, festivals, special events, parties, or even a church.  there always seems to be humans who are so miserable, they want to make others the same.  
   You know what? it also shows us, no matter what we do, to try to control things, whether its personal stuff, business, whatever it is, we actually have no control at all,  some humans like scientists think they have things in control, but they don't, only God does, i know he is still on the throne, and in charge.   
  To conclude my lengthy blog or article whatever you may say it is,  Stop what you are doing at times, and help someone it includes animals too, because you want to, and nothing else. Think, pause, look around you, and see what God has done, not what the media says either, they are all biased. Serving their own agendas, whether it be for money, ratings, whatever, they are no longer honest about their reports, about anything. Again they serve their own agendas.  They dont care about what happens to the victims, You also know what?  Think about what God feels, as sees all the stuff happening, that he said would happen.  I don't understand why everything happens the way it does, but i know God has me, does he have you?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

When life got you down

 Lets see, ever have those bad days, when your emotions just get the best of you?   when those dreaded lemons pop up on your radar?  yup it happens to all of us,. Those precious memories of someone you lost, and they went to heaven. It doesnt matter how long ago they went, you still miss them, you made many memories with them, whether it was a spouse, parent or child, and yes your beloved pet.  There are just some days or something reminds you of those memories and you just cant stop from crying, or day dreaming about them. I have had those myself, just the other day i saw someone pulling up a u-haul truck to move, i wasnt sad about them moving, but it triggered memories of when me and my spouse used one to travel across the country after we were first married.  I cried like a baby, dont you have that?  but ,you have no one to talk to about it. Because ,lets face it most everyone you know doesnt want to hear it. thank  goodness for blogs.
   Life, its not all its cracked up to be in movies and tv. they make it look all peachy and great.  but its not easy to live hear on this earth. Life has a way of throwing, curves, lemons, and it can be so hard, that you just dont know what to do, where do you turn when you need someone to cry with, to comfort you, etc. I know its not easy, i have had it very hard myself, no where to turn, no one to talk to, no one who wants to spend time with you. Have you ever felt that way?  Its nice to know your not the only one. I depend on the only one who has always been there for me, God. Yes , he knows how i feel, and i just talk to him, like i would talk to you, the invisible people that go on the internet  :)
i wouldnt have gotten as far as i have this past 3 years or most of my life, without Him.  I would be dead right now from a broken heart, or so depressed i wouldnt be able to see straight.  He is using the animals i care for to help me as well. He has helped me to just take one day at a time, no more ,no less, I know he is with me, and he protects and strengthens me. He promised to always be with me, but he didnt promise it was going to be easy either. Life can on this earth can so brutall, cant it?  Im sure you know too, what ever you guys are going through. I guess we just have to lean on him, and just weather what ever comes our way. WHEW!!!!! i said a moth full, this time, what are your thoughts about life here on planet earth in our human form.  When storms arise, i call on the one who can really help me!!!